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The Mythology of Race COMING SOON!!!

A wondrous world awaits you, far more magical than you could ever imagine. Liberation from the vanity of a monochromatic racial identity allows you the freedom to love, honor, and respect your spiritual temple. You are not a race; you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your body, with its unique skin coloring gifted to you by nature, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Judgments upon the body that houses the spirit are tantamount to desecration of a holy place. Of all the billions upon billions of species on the planet, man is the only one who does this. He interprets love based upon a perception of what a person looks like.Re-evaluating everything you have ever learned or believed about the color of your skin opens before you a magical world of infinite possibilities. The person in life that you spend the most time with is yourself. If you cannot love the person that you will spend your whole life with unconditionally, it is impossible to fully love your life. True bliss emanates from the spiritual realization of this sacred truth. This book is a calling to love yourself unconditionally. How can you love another person, or anything in life for that matter, until you can love yourself? Famed poet Maya Angela said it is like trying to offer someone a shirt when you are naked. It was Malcolm X who long ago asked us the question, “Who taught you to hate the color of your skin?” I am here today to remind you that everything is beautiful in its own way. Do not allow the shallow vanity of today's fantasy world to deprive you of your sacred right to be a child of the divine. You were not sent here to be judge by anyone, including you. Keeping yourself in a perpetual state of comparison with others never allows you to feel good about yourself. 'The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the storyline that says you're too fat or too shallow, too dark or too light, your eyes are too small or your nose is too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step towards transforming your experience of the world." Oprah Winfrey The act of embracing self-love and self-respect for the temple of the Holy Spirit floods our bodies with “the love hormone” oxytocin, a natural bonding chemical that makes people feel secure and trusting toward each other and allows you to make love to the world, unconditionally. Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure: 1. Acceptance 2. Understanding3. Appreciation Remove any one of the three, and the triangle, which is the foundation for life, and our life, begins to falls apart. With that said, enjoy your journey

Eric Gibson Award Winning Film Maker and Author

Coming Soon

Gibson's NuAge Films, (Award Winning film maker Eric Gibson (Hard Rain) in collaboration with Award Winner Producer Paul Giret(Voted best documentary San Diego film, festival) on a new film entitled, A Case For Eve Featuring a Live debate between William T Manning and Eric Gibson, expected to be released September 2015..Featuring, Ashley White head.Kristin Naomi Garcia, Scottie Nic,

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